Comité d'organisation de la Journée du Poilu Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Charles Léandre René Lalique Comité d'organisation de la Journée du Poilu Henri Bargas Comité d'organisation de la Journée du Poilu René Lalique René Lalique Comité d'organisation de la Journée du Poilu Francique Poulbot. Lucien Jonas Comité d'organisation de la Journée du Poilu Comité d'organisation de la Journée du Poilu Comité d'organisation de la Journée du Poilu Comité d'organisation de la Journée du Poilu Comité d'organisation de la Journée du Poilu Lucien Jonas


The rhythm of life in Paris during the war was punctuated by charity galas, sales, raffles and fund-raising days that appealed to citizens to help support the soldiers on the front, the wounded, prisoners, refugees and orphans. During these events—which started with a benefit drive on December 20th 1914 for Belgian refugees —peddlers patrolled the Paris streets selling insignia, stickers, postcards, or patriotic jewelry, sometimes custom-designed by famous artists. Beggars could be recognized by special badges or armbands. Parades, concerts and shows enlivened larger patriotic occasions like Bastille Day (July 14th), which in addition to being the national holiday was  also named Paris Day. The Historical Library has attempted to bring together a major collection of documents and objects to give a sense of these fund-raising activities. A perfect example dates from the Journée du Poilu (a day to honor WWI Infantrymen) just before Christmas, 1915.